Product Update: New Portfolio Performance dashboards

This August, we’re excited to announce the launch of Rundit’s latest features and improvements. In this release, we introduce new Portfolio Performance dashboards and new breakdowns in Capital Allocation dashboards: Initial vs. follow Ons & FX split. We’ve also allowed state update and funding round information editing. What’s more exciting?

1. Portfolio Performance dashboard

Company KPI comparison is now made easy for investors. Under the Portfolio Performance Dashboards, investors can find separate tabs for Company KPIs, Growth Analysis and Company Comparison. They’ll also find tabs for previously introduced Activity log and Reporting Status.

✔️The new Portfolio KPIs table allows investors to include all portfolio companies and all their KPIs (under selected fund) in the same table.

✔️ Growth Analysis table efficiently compares percentage changes within the selected time period per KPI.

✔️ With the Company Comparison chart, investors can easily visualize the split between companies’ performance for selected KPIs over a chosen time period.

✔️ In the Activity Log, investors can view all the activities made from the portfolio level listed explicitly. Reporting Status is a shortcut to check which companies have or haven’t finalized reporting without having to scroll over reports and KPI tables.

2. New additions to Capital Allocation breakdowns

✔️ Initial vs. Follow On – Initial aggregating all first tickets together regardless of a company and Follow on aggregating all other tickets together regardless of a company.

✔️ FX Split – How much is invested in each currency

3. Edit state updates and funding round details

Investors are now able to adjust State Updates by clicking the three dots next to a state update on the investment transactions list. Alongside editing company valuation and ownership details, investors can update funding round details. The funding round information is fetched to the Capital Allocation “Stage” dashboard.

Feel intrigued by this new feature? If you’re an investor, schedule a call with us and get a sneak peek into Rundit platform.

For startup founders, Rundit is all free for you, sign up now and level up your investor report today!

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